WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Paper 5 – Appendix 1 Summary of Deposit Local Plan Objections Policy Number / Policy Name/Settlement / Number of objections 1 Development in the Cairngorms National Park 27 2 Natura 2000 sites 14 3 Other National Natural Heritage Designations 10 4 Other important Natural and Earth Heritage Sites 17 5 Protected Species 12 6 Biodiversity 12 7 Landscape 24 8 Gardens and Designed Landscapes 6 9 Archaeology 5 10 Listed Buildings 3 11 Conservation Areas 9 12 The Local and Wider Cultural Heritage of the Park 7 13 Water Resources 23 14 Earth Resources 17 15 Contaminated Land 3 16 Energy Generation 21 17 Sustainable Development 18 18 Design Standards for New Development 23 19 Developer Contributions 24 20 Business Development 18 21 Proposals for Retail and Commercial Development 7 22 Settlement Improvements 11 23 Sustainable Balance of House Sizes 16 24 Contributions to Affordable Housing 48 25 Housing Development in Small Rural Settlements 22 26 Housing Proposals Outside Settlements 30 27 Conversions of Existing Traditional and Vernacular Buildings 12 28 Replacement Houses 17 29 House extensions and Alterations 1 30 Integrated and Sustainable Transport Network 15 31 Telecommunications 6 32 Waste Management 13 33 Tourism Development 31 34 Outdoor Access 16 35 Formal Recreation Facilities 15 36 Other Open Space Provision 13 Aviemore 499 An Camus Mor 13 Grantown-on-Spey 24 Kingussie 15 Newtonmore 14 Ballater 35 Boat of Garten 12 Carr-bridge 7 Cromdale 8 Dalwhinnie 6 Dulnain Bridge 2 Kincraig 7 Nethy Bridge 79 Tomintoul 2 Braemar 9 We also received 21 objections about Dinnet not being included as a named settlement.